
Telling Stories That Matter

- Twenty Years and Rolling -

EST. 2001

A Communications Agency that Speaks Your Language

Our passion for developing the best, most effective way to convey values, ideas and concepts has enabled Fluency to serve as a publications consultant to a variety of organizations and individuals with their books, communication content, and strategies.

Writing = Productivity

Most productivity advice associates a direct correlation between "writing it down" and increased results. It doesn't matter what field - weight loss, exercise, goal-making, vision casting, etc. Writing it down makes it all the more likely it will happen. Our take-away from this truth is something we already love knowing - there is indisputable power in words. 

But it's how you use your words that makes all the difference.  

Capturing Your Voice. Communicating Your Vision.

"How many languages do you speak?" My postman asked me that today. 

"Several," I answered honestly. We're not traditional linguists. But we do speak our clients' language. It's what we do. It's why we named our company "Fluency." We want to be fluent in our clients' stories--we help them find their story, capture their voice, and communicate their unique vision.  

Four-Year-Old Advice

"I got this" and "No problem" are currently the favorite phrases of my friend's four-year-old grandson. We think he's on to something. We approach our lives and our work with these same two phrases at the ready. A challenge comes up? I got this. An unexpected twist, request or change of plans? No problem

Yes. BBQ Sauce Has a Story.

I wrote about BBQ sauce for a few hours the other day. It's true. 

A client's daughter earned a chance with a national grocery store chain to carry her BBQ sauce. What's the first step to landing that deal? This highly successful chain is smart; they don't sample any item...not a taste, bite, or sip...until they have first heard the story behind the product. Our unique process unearthed a goldmine of a story she didn't even know she had. And the BBQ sauce made it through to the next round.      

Use Your Words

Remember when Mom used to tell you, "Use your words, honey."? Same deal applies to business today. How you use your words matters. You know what you want to say. But commanding fluency in your idea is altogether different. Mom was right. If you want someone to listen and respond to you, use your words.  

Capturing Your Voice. Communicating Your Vision.